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Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries Pain Management in Knoxville, TN

Motor Vehicle Injuries If you’re suffering in the aftermath of a car accident, you’re not alone. Motor vehicle accident injuries and wrecks are among one of the most common causes of chronic pain in the US. According to the Department of Transportation, in 2010, there were an estimated 2,239,000 Americans injured in automobile crashes.  Cars also involve all kinds of accidents and mishaps every year, with about 10 million vehicle-related accidents of all kinds reported to the National Safety Council. In Knoxville, motor vehicle accident injuries are unfortunately all too common as well, with thousands of people experiencing pain and suffering.

Common motor vehicle injuries

There are many common types of injuries that result from crashes and other accidents. People will often break their legs bracing themselves during car crashes. Sometimes a driver will dislocate a shoulder from a sudden stop or suffer a head injury when they neglect to wear a seat belt. There are many, many types of injuries that people suffer when they’re in a car accident, from cuts and bruises to injuries that require long-term rehabilitation. The good news is that science and medicine are always advancing, and many new treatments and therapies have cut down recovery time for many less serious injuries. A proper health care professional and competent medical practice can help treat your injuries and develop a plan for recovery that works for you.

What is the most common car accident injury?

The most common type of complaint that comes from patients who have been involved in a car accident is lower back pain. If you’re experiencing lower back pain in the aftermath of a vehicular accident, you’re not alone. About 80% of adults experience lower back pain at some point in their lifetimes, and it’s a leading cause of disability, missed workdays, and general quality-of-life issues. While many people who report injuries from car crashes suffer from varying degrees of whiplash, there’s also a possibility of something more serious. What is the Most Common Motor Vehicle Injury?

Can a motor vehicle accident cause sciatica?

One of the most painful back injuries that result from the trauma of car accidents is damage to the sciatic nerve,  the largest and longest single nerve in the body. Sciatica occurs when a back injury creates flare-ups in this nerve. The nerve begins in the lower spine, and the nerves and extends all the way down the back of the leg to the toes. Pain is widespread and requires treatment to prevent future flare-ups. Non-surgical sciatica treatments will focus on pain relief and any neurological symptoms caused by the compressed nerve root. You’ll want to visit a qualified M.D. or Ph.D. to find the root of your back troubles. A diagnosis is also in order if you are seeking compensation from an auto insurance company.

Coping with the pain of motor vehicle accident injuries in Knoxville, TN

Pain that lingers after an accident can be frustrating as well as debilitating. You can work with Omega Pain Management to alleviate your symptoms and reclaim control of your life. If you’re looking for a reputable pain clinic in Knoxville TN, book an appointment today with Igor Smelyansky, MD. Call (865) .337-5137